Thursday, 24 November 2016

CLASS X B : Social science

 CLASS  X B  : Social science

1. Project Plan
(1.1)The Define Phase


·   Write a statement describing the overall purpose of the project.
·   What is the key challenge or problem the project is aiming to address?
·   What are students intended to learn from the project?

1)       This project aims at spreading awareness among children of class X th   about the Disaster management:- The following are the topics planned to be dealt with.
Ø Importance of Evacuation.
Ø To understand what is Natural Disaster.
Ø To explore the cause and effects of Natural calamity.
The work will be allotted to a team that will collect information in these curriculum areas. They will be given a chance to present their peer group as well, there by helping them to develop self confidence.

(1.12)Project Scope:

 Describe the scope of your project. This may include class and section, 
subjects it covers, self shills to be used etc. as well as other factors 
affecting scope. 
Students Class : X  B

Subject involved : Social Science.

Students work will be monitored and managed to avoid students going off track.

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:

 List the curriculum and standards this project with cover.
Standard X Social Science curriculum topics.

1)       Tsunami – A Killer.sea waves
2)       Survival Skills
4)       Alternative communication system.
5)       Safe construction practices.
7)       Sharing responsibilities.

Class: X .B   Social science
Project Based Learning
Lesson 2

2.1 Essential Question:

   Put in writing the question that will engage the students

P    Think !
2.     How can we save our life During an emergency ?
3.     What steps can be taken for mass drill and safe Evacuation strategy preparation.
wWhat is the role of students awareness in disaster management  plan ?


2.2 Grouping Strategy:

   Describe the criteria that will be used to form students team and how this maps to the goals of the project.

1)      Each team consists of 9 students of mixed genders.
2)      Team consists of students of mixed ability and skills.
3)      One of the goals is to promote team work, peer learning, developing skills and scientific attitude.
4)      Students with lower ability can benefit from students with better ability.

2.3 Learning Environment:

   Describe the learning environment for the project including any classroom  adaptation  that will be required.
1)      A group working area in the class room will be set aside.
2)      Computer labs will be used.
3)      Sharing of ideas between students through e-mail.

2.4Assessment Approach:
                Describe the approach for:
                2.41 Authentic Assessment:
1)      Students were asked to prepare a disaster management  plan for school and practice  how it will  work in  a normal working days in case of an emergency.
2.42 Formative Assessment:
Periodic feedback will be provided depending upon the observation made by the students.

2.43 Summative Assessment:
1) Preparation of school disaster management plan
2) Training for rapid student Force.

2.44 Rubrics:
1) Posters
2) Special Bulletin boards
3) Final Presentation. 
4) use of web site
5) Mock Drill

2.45 Gradings:
Grades will be awarded on combination of scores from assessment made during the project.     



  Project Based Learning

                            Sample – Lesson 3
                               Plan Phase

3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:

   List the project task and, if possible at this stage include the sub-tasks.
 For each task add the product that will be created and indicate it will be 
a milestone.
Classroom instruction: Role of Disaster management in School and how we can overcome the  Natural Calamities.
Select student groups
Research: Online and Library, mock Drills
Activity: Collecting the articles, Demo Practices and awareness creation.
Presentation: Cause and consequence of Natural calamities.
Celebration : Conduct a mass mock Drill for entire school for speedy evacuation during an emergency.

3.2 Role definition:
  List the roles team members will fulfill in the project.
Project Leader: Teacher will be fulfilling this role.
Survey writer: All students will contribute.
Presenter: All students will take some part in the presentation.

3.3  Task Schedule:
  Note start and end dates for the project.
   Include expected dates to start specific tasks
Project start date: 5/10/2016

Project end date: 28/11/2016

3.4   Special Activities Plan:

 List any special activities (e.g. Field trips ) .

Conduct of Survey related to School disaster  management  -  10/11/2016
Arrange a speech about disaster management in class room  -15/11/2016
  visit nearby  District disaster management team      - 22/11/2016
Practice for conduct a mass Drill  for speedy evacuation  26/11/2016
3.5   Resource Plan:

List resource that will be required during the project .

Computer Lab, Teaching aid department,Librarey,Conference Room

3.6 Direct Instruction:

List any planned direct instruction sessions and link them to 
specific tasks if appropriate.

Discussion on Disaster management and  traditional  knowledge  and practices
Survey conducted by students.
Group formation.
Classes for Disaster management

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:

       Describe how you will incorporate review meetings and 
           checkpoints in the project

Every weekend, there will be a 15 minutes class conference, to discuss programs and successes.

3.8 Assessment plan:
      Describe the balanced assessment plan for the project.  List rubrics that 
      need to be created before project launch.

Opportunities for authentic assessment will include the surveys and results.
Formative assessments will be focused on the observations made by the students.
Summative assessments will be performed on Power Point presentation, survey results, rubrics prepared on observations, presentation, grading rubric.


Launch project
Project launched
Deliver classroom instruction
Areas to be covered.
.1.Define the project
2.Culminating products
Initial classroom instruction is completed
Group selection
Students’ list
Group selection is completed
Conduct research
Collection of Content on
1.Importance of Disaster management
2.What it means to have mock Drill
3.Cause and effects of  Natural Calamities
4.Mock Drill preparation and Practices.
Students records
Perform survey
Create survey questions, survey, prepare survey report
To Collect report
Lecture by Disaster management expert
Student and teacher
Will be Conducted
Advice meeting
Team prepare briefs
All team members
A meeting will be  held
Programme sheet presentation
All team members
Will be Presented
Preparation of PPT
Team collects data and content
Team members
Content will  be collected
An interview with Disaster  management specialist
Disaster Management expert
Will be Completed
Creating a  General awareness about disaster  management plan
Group members
Will be Completed
Project presentation
Posting in the computer/blog
Will be Completed
Assessment and grading
Prepare rubrics and assessment
Will be Completed
Reflection and evaluation
Student reflection and evaluation, Teacher refection and evaluation
Students and teacher
Will be Completed.
Project closed
Submitting to the Principal
Will be Closed

Project Plan – Lesson 5
The Do Phase

(5.1) Project Launch:
 Describe how the project will be launched, including how goals, expectation, rules, procedures, assessment, and grading will be presented to the students.
          The project is launched as a group meeting with the whole class. The project leaders described the need of taking up this project  and the goals to be achieved, expectations, rules, procedures , assessment  and grading. The students are motivated to move forward with the next stage of the project. It is decided that the discussion based results will be compiled as a project report.
 (5.2) Artifacts: 
 List artifacts that will be created during the project
Ø Research Notes
Ø Questionnaire  for survey, survey report
Ø Preparation of school Evacuation  Chart
Ø PPT presentation
Ø Photographs
Ø Graphical Representation for the mathematical task given
Ø Report preparation - Interview with the  disaster management expert
(5.3) Culminating product:
 Describe what culminating product or products are expected to be created during the project and how they will be presented.
Ø Posting in Blog will be presented by each team.
My  school evacuation  chart will be informally presented by each team to the whole class and will be displayed in the class room.
Ø A visual tool ( PPT ) to assess one state of health for creating awareness about Disaster management.

(5.4) Celebrating completion:
 Describe how the students will celebrate when the project is completed.
Each team will display culminating Products that are expected to be created during the project in the class room . Then a mini exhibition of the project will be held in the class .
Project Plan - Lesson 6
The Review Phase

(6.1)Student Reflection and Evaluation:
 Describe how student reflection and evaluation will be conducted.

An interactive schedule after the end of every milestone will be held to evaluate the progress of the team and their reflection and self evaluation through questionnaire will be incorporated. Their reflection will cover what and how I learned, what new skills I acquired , what interests me about the project , what I could not achive in the project and how I could do it differently on the next project.

(6.2) Teacher Reflection and Evaluation:
 Describe how teacher reflection and evaluation will be conducted.

Ø Successes 
Ø Challenges
Ø Achievement of project goals
Ø What I learned
Ø What I would do differently next time 
Ø How it can be extended into the community.

(6.3) Assessment of 21st Century skills:
 List of 21st century skills in this project and its assessment

21st Century skills
Research Notes
Problem solving , initiative , ICT, collaboration 
Creativity , Data Preparation, Communication , collaboration
My healthy diet chart
Creativity , organizing skills
Presentation (Report) 
Creativity , Problem solving , Communications 
Graphical Representation (Maths Tasks given)
Graph , Algebraic Solutions , Presentation
Photo graphs 
Creativity, ICT , Team work , Communication

(6.4) Summative Assessment and Grading:
 List products and the corresponding rubrics that will be used for SA and Grading

Creativity – data preparation
Communication ,Collaboration
Out of 30.
Healthy diet chart
Creativity , Organising Skill , Presentation
PPT Presentation
Creativity and Presentation
Graphical Representation 
Solution , Presentation, work ethics
Project Report
Creativity and Presentation
Mini Exhibition 

Project Plan – Lesson 7
The Manage Phase

(7.1) Process Management:
 List tasks that will be used to manage the process of conducting the learning
Ø Initial Preparation &Planning   
Ø Identifying the team on the basis of  team leadership
Ø Team Interaction and milestone setting
Ø Task distribution and deadline 
Ø Monitoring the Attainment of tasks and milestones
Ø Process handling and reporting
Ø Conflict management
 (7.2) Student Preparation:
 Describe how students will be prepared for the project prior to launch. List any specific instruction or tasks that will be needed
Ø The students will be motivated before the project launch. 
Ø They will be instructed to look around themselves to find the various Natural Calamities and the importance of safe Evacuation plan.
Ø Interviews with members of old generation, new generation, Disaster management expert  etc to understand the cause and effects of natural calamities.
Ø Preparation of questionnaires/ Blog/ Preparation of survey results in a spreadsheet etc
will be practiced before the project launch.
 (7.3)  Facilitation:
 Describe how facilitation of resources will be used to enable the students to be successful.
          Use of the resource room, library and computer equipment, digital devices, 
interviews , surveys , guest lectures will be scheduled.
 (7.4) Progress Monitoring:
 Describe how program will be monitored throughout the project.
Group Progress 
After  attainment of each milestone, the team leader will have a brief meeting 
with his team members for assessment of task. Every week team wise a briefing 
about the status of the project will be done to the Whole class.
         Individual Progress
Reporting to other team for peer review and valuable suggestions for each
 task and followed by consolidation of work by the team after the approval of
 the project leader. Team leader informally verify and check  on daily basis  with
 their  team members about their work.
 (7.5) Re-planning:
 Describe how ‘re-planning’ will be used if the project goes off track
As student will be given instructions and specific directions about the topics  and time limit. There is an option for homework to be used to catch up if necessary.
 (7.6). Conflict Management:
 Describe how to address problems related to participation, offer approaches to manage other conflicts that may arise.

To ensure that things goes smoothly within the team, the rule of presenting ones’ view and accepting others and thereby shedding egos will be considered the most important change and   teamwork rules will be included in project launch presentation. 
Students are asked to initially try to work out conflicts on their own. In the case of a deadlock, issues are to be raised with the teacher. 


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